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Logo of D.E.S is it, DES Action group in France (Diethylstilbestrol)

News with tag "book"

Le grand désordre hormonal, written by Corinne Lalo and published by Le Cherche Midi Editor Critical reviews
Dec 4, 2021

Le grand désordre hormonal : ce qui nous empoisonne à notre insu, by Corinne Lalo - Le Cherche Midi Editor

Endocrine disruptors are synthetic substances that have an effect similar to that of hormone derivatives. In particular, they induce hormonal disorders of sexuality in humans and animals.

Although it was defined in the Wingspread Declaration1 (United States) in 1991, the concept of "endocrine disruptors" can be dif...

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Dane Morin-Delacroix, The DES Case or Mutilations on prescriptions, book testimony published at Edilivre Editions - D.E.S is it DES French Group Critical reviews
Dec 15, 2019

The incredible true story of DES Action France sharing by its founder Dane Morin-Delacroix

Dane Morin-Delacroix is a DES mother: trusting her doctor, she receives Distilbène® (DES french brand name) for each of her four pregnancies in order to prevent possible miscarriages.

She notices with fright that all her children were born with lesions and anatomical malformations caused by DES. She will discover years later...

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